Oh Yes


there are worse things than
being alone
but it often takes decades
to realize this
and most often
when you do
it’s too late
and there’s nothing worse
too late.


“oh yes” by Charles Bukowski teaches something that is rarely talked about in society. Everyone is always looking, and looking for that special person in their life, but some can never seem to find them. The ones that can not find their special person mostly spend all of their life looking. While looking, people do not realize that there is more to life than loving someone. Teenagers during the 1950s spent most of their time going on dates, not realizing the amount of time they were putting into it. Their whole teenage years were spent dating, rather than having family time, or doing exciting things that they will always remember. “there are worse things than being alone” (1-2). Bukowski wants the reader to understand that there is more things in life to do, than date. He says this because when they look back on this, they will realize what a waste of time it was when they could have been enjoying life to the fullest.

Love is something that everyone wants to have, and think that they need to have during their lifetime. People can not wait for their day when they find their true love. Most spend everyday searching for that person until they find who it is. Adults, even forgot that there is life besides love. Hanging out with friends, family, going on trips, or just exploring are all good things to look back on in life. No one wants to look back on searching for days, and days for that special someone, when they can be enjoying the other amazing aspects of life. Charles Bukowski says “but it often takes decades to realize this” (3-4). He is talking about how you can not realize in the moment that you are wasting your time on love, when you can be making memories that you will smile about in your old age.

We experience something new everyday of our lives, whether that includes meeting new people, doing new things, or taking risks in general. Most of us are scared to go outside of our boundaries, and try new things. When kids step into the adult world, they did not realize that adult lives are some what repetitive; wake up, work, eat, sleep, with some activities in between. Living lives to the fullest, and not worrying about love is what we should all stride to do because, we will be happier looking back at life. He says “and there’s nothing worse than too late.” (8-10). Bukowski is trying to show the reader, that people look back and wish they did more in life. If we have the opportunity to still live, then live for what makes you happy, not what you think you need by what society says.

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